Tarpon Springs Police Department Operation Property ID
Tarpon Springs Police Department operation ID program is aimed at successfully returning stolen recovered property to its rightful owners. It is estimated by Tarpon Springs Police Department Property Crimes Detectives that less than 30% of stolen property is successfully returned to its rightful owners. Also the Police Department can dispose of or auction off any stolen recovered property after it has gone unclaimed for 90 days.
Tarpon Springs Police Department operation ID includes property inventory forms which will be provided to any citizens who wish to participate in this program. These forms can be used to record your valuable property with make, model, and serial number of the property. Also, it is suggested that any valuable property that is not easily described or identified, for example jewelry be photographed. These inventory forms and photographs should be stored in a safe place for future reference. In the unfortunate situation that these items may be stolen, this form can be used by the Police Department to help get your valuable property back to you. It is also suggested that you engrave property such as large screen TVs, stereo systems, cameras, bicycles, VCR, and power tools, computers, kitchen appliances, musical instruments, etc. with a unique individual identifying number. An example would be to use your driver's license number including the abbreviation for the state from which it was issued for example FL SXXX-XXX-XX-XXX-X . The Police Department has electric engravers that are available for loan to the public. Attached to this newsletter is a Tarpon Springs Police Department property inventory report form. Contact the Police Department Crime Prevention Unit if you would like to borrow one of these engravers.