Internal Affairs Investigations
The mission of the Tarpon Springs Police Department is to be committed to the community through open and transparent channels of government to the public.
The Internal Affairs Division operates as the investigative arm of the Chief of Police to identify and report corruption and employee behavior that tends to discredit the Department or violate a Department policy, procedure or practice.
Complaints are presented to the Chief of Police for a fair and appropriate adjudication and /or sanction, with consideration given to the complainant, the Department, the individual employee, and the public trust. To maintain the public confidence, all complaints will be thoroughly and impartially investigated. All complaints of misconduct, whether received from residents or Department employees, are thoroughly investigated by Internal Affairs to ensure the integrity of the Tarpon Springs Police Department is maintained.
All employees of the Department are trained to conform to Department Rules and Regulations and Policies and Procedures and they are mandated to work in conformance to all local, state and federal laws.
Internal Affairs investigations are designed to protect the public, the department, and employees and to provide the basis for correcting improper employee behavior; and to ensure the continued high standards of the Tarpon Springs Police Department.
Citizens Complaint Packet
Officer/Employee Commendations
The Tarpon Springs Police Department welcomes positive input from the public concerning our officers and employees. Officer/Employee commendations from the public help us assess individual officer/employee performance and let us know when the public's expectations are met.
Persons wishing to commend an employee or file a complaint can do so by filing out and using the form below or one of the following methods:
Tarpon Springs Police Department
444 S. Huey Ave
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689
(727) 938-2849
Internal Affairs Records
Closed Internal Affairs cases are available upon a public records request.
Assistant Chief Frank Ruggiero
(727) 938-2849
Tarpon Springs Police Department
Attn: Silva Webster
444 S. Huey Ave
Tarpon Springs, FL 34689